Fried donuts: the recipe to prepare them as soft as those at the bar – Tale Of Travels

The Fried donuts they are gods very mild sweet sourdough products and delicious appreciated by young and old, typical of Carnival period but it is possible prepare all year. A recipe similar to other soft treats, such as doughnuts, donuts and American doughnuts, made with a mixture made from plain flour, latte, dry brewer’s yeast, Egg, sugar, sale e lemon peel, without potatoes, an ingredient that sets them apart from the Neapolitan staples. After the rising phase, all you have to do is form the donuts using two circular moulds: the donuts must then rest for another half hour, before being fried in hot oil until golden brown and pass in granulated sugar. The end result will be soft, dry and fragrant donuts like the ones in the bar: I like for the breakfast where to to taste.

For the preparation of the paste, you can also use a half dose of Manitoba flour and half of flour 00, because Manitoba flour is suitable for the preparation of leavened products. You can also replace the lemon zest with Orange zest or with vanillin.

try this recipe too

How to make fried donuts

In a bowl, mix the flour with the dry yeast, sugar, salt, lemon zest, beaten egg and milk. 1.

Knead to obtain a compact and elastic mixture and incorporate the butter 2.

Make a ball of dough and grease it with oil 3.

Let rise for 1 hour or until doubled in size 4.

Roll out the dough with a rolling pin until it is 1.5cm thick. 5

Make donuts using two circular moulds: one 9 cm and the tip of a piping bag 6.

Place them on the baking sheet, cover them with a tea towel and let them rest for 30 minutes. seven.

Fry 2-3 donuts at a time in hot oil until golden brown 8: the oil must not exceed 160°.

When they are golden pass them in the sugar 9.

Fried donuts are ready to serve ten


Fried donuts are preserved until the next day, if stored in airtight food bags or wrapped in cling film. The ideal is however to eat them hot as soon as they are ready.

Sursa articolului in engleza: Fried donuts: the recipe to prepare them as soft as those at the bar – Tale Of Travels

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